Manufacturer for hard tough Chewing Gum

In 2019, MEG UG developed a special gum base, which became the clockspring for many fitness / jawline training chewing gums, which generally require a harder and tougher consistency. Since then, we have been able to offer chewing gums in different degrees of hardness. 

We offer

  • Development of your hard chewing gum recipe
    We can develop your own recipe for the hard special chewing gum of your choice.
  • Production of your chewing gum
    We have our own chewing gum manufacturers in different countries of the world and can offer you different options for production

    Production of chewing gum in any shape and size
    We can make your own hard gum in any shape, size, weight and hardness

    Production of chewing gum with any ingredient 
    We specialize in incorporating various nutritional supplements into chewing gums such as caffeine, taurine, vitamins, amino acids, extracts etc.

  • Choose among own creations and use with your own brand (white label)
    We have developed chewing gums for numerous brands. Therefore, we have some recipes and own creations such as the recipe of JAWLINER fitness chewing gum.
chewing gum
chewing gum

We observe that more and more consumers actively choose a harder, stronger, more solid chewing gum because they value the positive training effect on the jawline and the entire facial and jaw musculature during chewing. In addition, consumers are placing more and more value on the ingredients of a chewing gum. 

Profit from the new trend and launch your own fitness chewing gum on the market.



Just send us an email with your ideas and wishes. We will be happy to advise you.

Company: MEG UG

Street: Bergstrasse 24

City/ZIP: 87448 Waltenhofen

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